Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sisters' Windows (a response to The Four, Challenge No. 11)

Some sisters escape -
escape what blinds,
obscures the view,
escape the pain.

Sisters open their
shutters, see light,
focus their eyes
and expose life.

Barbara Butler McCoy

[This poem was also submitted as
a response to Challenge No. 11 from
The Four and suggested by Kirsten Crilly:
"Then swing your window open, the one
with fresh air and good eastern light
and watch for wings, edges, new
beginnings." Monique Duvall]

[Photo: Window above doorway,
Candler Building; Atlanta, GA;
March 2009]


Di Mackey said...

I love this, of course :) as much as I enjoy knowing you.

Barbara Butler McCoy said...

Awww, thank you! See, though, what I mean when I say you're inspiring? :)